I grew up Catholic but didn't receive any formal religious education until I was 10 years old. We'd moved from VA to MI and bought a house right behind a church and K - 8 school. After much begging, I was enrolled in Our Lady of LaSalette in 6th grade. We began going to church pretty much every Sunday. Except for my dad - he claimed exemption because he'd served as an alter boy in his youth, lol. As a student we also attended service weekly so I essentially went to church twice a week for 3 years, at least during the school year. My poor baby sister entered the same school as a kindergartner so she endured this for 9 years.
I attended religious ed classes for a few months to prepare for my much belated first communion and while I attended public high school. After that I became the typical Easter/Christmas Catholic until my mother had a massive stroke in 1998. Actually, I'd probably dumped the Easter service years earlier but I went with Mom to midnight Xmas Eve mass. My new husband and I even took her to Assumption Grotto in Detroit in 1997 at her request. The church is gorgeous but the Latin service was interminable. I think this is the only real Catholic service my husband ever attended.
I don't really know why I felt the need to share all of this but there ya go. I don't consider the Catholic church to be any more of a cult than any other world religion. Although I do find it's cultural appropriation in order to peddle it to local pagans fairly interesting. And the fact that other Christian religions look askance at Catholicism amuses me. However, the idea of some sort of exclusivity is where ANY religion starts too look cultish.
A number of years ago I wrote a blog post titled, "I love you, too bad you're not going to heaven," to address this exclusivity. In high school I had my first real encounter with people that were of much different faiths than mine. There was this joke about how Catholics think Jews missed the bus while Jews believe Catholics got on the wrong bus. The idea that believing you could only get to heaven through believing in Jesus AKA Christianity struck a sour note for me. When it's distilled through various Christian faiths, the road diverges further and further. Now you must believe in a certain form of Christianity to enter those ethereal gates. When folks start fretting over loved ones salvation, things definitely start getting culty. Once you hit derogatory terms for those outside your faith, you are fully indoctrinated, IMO. And, of course, this goes way further than in whether or not you believe in Jesus (or HOW you believe). This is why I consider myself "areligious."
Next week the actor Danny Masterson, celebrity Scientologist, goes on trial for rape. These charges stem back to the early 2000's where his alleged crimes where diminished & suppressed by the church of Scientology. The amount I don't know about this cult could fill an ocean. So I decided to educate myself by binge watching Leah Remini's TV series, "Scientology and the Aftermath." Then I listened to all 80 episodes of her & Mike Rinder's podcast, "Scientology Fair Game." In both they have episodes addressing other cults like Jehovah Witness, Latter Day Saints (AKA Mormons) and NXIVM. One episode featured a guest who wrote a book entitled, "The Cult of Trump," and another addressed multi level marketing (MLM) company LuLaRoe.
As a former completely inept seller of Tupperware and Shaklee, I'm gun shy regarding MLM. I also dabbled heavily in political conservatism, hence why I am also "apolitical." Anything that hints of either of the two major political parties gets my hackles up. I'm especially triggered by words like "libtards" and "RINO" (Republican in name only). There is currently a giant schism in my own family due to opposing political ideologies. I believe that our government, big business, big pharma and mainstream media purposefully play into this divide on a national level to keep us ... well, divided. Oops, major tangent.
Any-who, back to Scientology. It was given tax exempt status in the early 90's as a "religion" when it is anything but. It has reaped billions from its "parishioners," many of whom have broken rank. While membership dwindles, its real estate holdings expand. Ersatz leader, tiny tyrant David Miscavige, escalates abuse on leadership & members while successfully dodging subpoenas. I'm not a big one on body shaming but the man is a half inch shorter than me. No wonder he looks up to Tom Cruise, ha-ha.
Whether or not the "people" succeed in convicting Masterson, a bright light is being shone on the cult of Scientology. Since there is also a civil suit that includes the "church" and Miscavige, that light is not going away any time soon. With Lisa Marie Presley on the criminal prosecutions witness list this trial may be one for the history books.