Once the daily livestream is done, volunteers get to work on a document for the next day. The document is divided up into catagories like "pop culture" and "true crime." These are for illustrative purposes only. There's also an area for follow up stories which I imagine have been populated with articles about JD & AH for the past six months or so. Team members scour the internet for anything they believe will be of interest. Sometimes Andy would ask for particular topics. Volunteers work on adding headlines from articles until the next morning/afternoon. Some will work on a separate document devoted to a single topic and may even stay up all night to put it together only to have it discarded or ignored.
Show time! A typical PCP live stream will have a main topic chosen by Andy which may or may not line up with the prepared document for the day. If it doesn't, headline volunteers scramble to find new articles to support the stream. Some of the volunteers are also moderators which can make for a very full day. This would've been me at the end of 2021/beginning of 2022.
The daily show is simply Andy reading articles and giving his thoughts, which is what many YouTube channels consist of. BTS, we caught flak on a variety of things generally couched in platitudes. Personally, I never got yelled at nor was admonished by the head moderator but others were. What wasn't apparent to me until later was that the headlines crew was routinely rotated out. Folks just up and disappeared. And daring to ask where they went isn't well received.
It was a thankless job with little support so it's no wonder people left. I sometimes wonder how many have wandered through in the last 6 months or so. And how many disgruntled volunteers left without comment and now stay quiet so they're not the target of passive-aggressive comments leveled at them. Or worse. If we dare to speak out, at best we're dismissed as not being able to cut it, at worse we're called clout chasing crazed bullies. Nobody needs that kind of grief.
Everybody I knew that got involved did it with the best of intentions. We thought we were doing it for the greatest good. Sadly that wasn't even close to the case. Andy only serves Andy. And he does so very well or he wouldn't have well over half a million subscribers. Yet all he does is read what others write and give his thoughts with a panel of cohorts. His empire is built on sand ... or maybe just hot air.
I don't blame his audience for not being able to see through him. However, I am somewhat suspicious of other content creators that tout him without question. And those that I suspect know who he is and make excuses. This is why I will continue to broadcast my experiences, thoughts and feelings on Andy Signore and Popcorned Planet.