Recently a brave woman stepped forward to talk about her experience with Andy Signore. Since they mainly interacted via "secret chats" on Telegram there is little in the way of hard evidence. However, what she has been able to provide has been damning, IMO. Andy himself has categorized the video evidence as a "deep fake" and as a "hack" from his phone - which is it Mr. Word Salad? He mentioned the word "affair" yet they never met in person. Stef called the poor woman a "home wrecker" - victim blame much? You, of all people, should know better. Besides, nothing ever happened in the physical world, only in Andy's nasty mind.
When I emailed Andy & Stef last February outlining my dismay at a situation happening at the time, I had no real idea that the man was using his platform to harass women. Like many others I believed him when he said he'd learned his lesson after getting fired from Screen Junkies. I now know that what he's learned is how to hide it better. Here is a video demonstration of how "secret chats" work on his chosen chat platform, Telegram. This also isolates his victims, which is a typical tactic of an abuser.
Other women have reached out, each having also been isolated. Each having also been, at the very least, harassed. I believe that his co-hosts, cohorts & head mod know he behaves this way (or at least have an inkling) so they are complicit in his behavior, IMO. Are every You Tuber that he collaborates with aware? Probably not. However, if there are repeat collabs they should've done a bit of research on who they're working with. I cannot tell you how many folks that I used to enjoy watching that I've unsubbed from. How many I've unfollowed on Twitter 'cuz they promote PCP, et al's, videos.
I want his victims to know that I support them as I've always supported trauma and abuse survivors. And for those that are still within his community that lash out, well I'll just mute them on Twitter until they come to their senses. If they ever do. Because those that are not targeted by Andy's sick desires will probably never understand what a low life garbage human he is. Especially since any "proof" provided is never good enough. Peoples experiences & feelings are proof enough to those of us with critical thinking skills, IMO. We are not "crazy clout chasers" or whatever else Andy & Co. chooses to call us. We're people who bought into his idea of "community" until we realized we were being used.