I wonder how much money Andy Signore & SteftheAlterNerd have raised for their stalker/harassment campaign against ousted British royalty, Harry & Megan? As much as he raised to hire a lawyer to go after supposed AH bots or a private investigator to look into a young AH fan on Twitter? Er, X, I mean. Perhaps it's more the like the "Bouzy Bucks" they cashed in on the coattail of Nate the lawyer's lawsuit against Christopher Bouzy?
When Signore jumped on the #FreeBrittany bandwagon I believe he began to figure out how to make himself look like a "good guy" to the outside world while pestering women within his community with constant requests to watch him masturbate or engage in sexual activities with his now wife. Moving on to cover Gabby Petito, then the Depp v Heard trial, he garnered more praise & sympathy that perhaps cloaked his sexpest ways even further.
After wringing every last drop from his Depp coverage he turned his attention to Megan and Harry. His co-hort ... er, co-host... Stef the Alter Nerd was already covering this topic on her own channel. However, Andy not only took over, he created a whole new channel, "Popcorned Palace," which already has over half the number of subscribers as Stef does. Then again, I heard that she was made a co-owner of his flagship channel, Popcorned Planet, so perhaps it really is just all about the money. And cover for Andy to continue preying on women...allegedly.
One of their mods, Juan (Juancho) opined that this renting a bus to follow Megan and Harry around is just a gag. Is it though? Andy & Stef spent hours telling outraged folks that they'd consulted an attorney on this action. Did Andy and/or Stef put him up to this post? I think it's likely as most of their crew don't make a move without "parental" approval.
Speaking of, looking at the "support these channels/friends" on Popcorned Planet/Palace channels it seems like Luis' Nerd Report is stuck at about 50K, It's Kim is about half that and Juancho never has been listed but I do believe his 12 year old channel finally reached 1K.
Back to the topic at hand - raising funds to rent a bus in California to stalk and harass Megan & Harry. With Andy in Florida and Stef in the UK this is a logistical nightmare that can only be cured by raising a LOT of funds. Will their fans fully subsidize this? Well, they helped Andy buy a new house, outfit a new studio, Stef to move and furnish her apartment and studio so it's probable. I know they've lost more than a few of their biggest contributers over the last two years or so but as PT Barnum is credited with saying, "there's a sucker born every minute."
As I'm not a South Park fan it took a bit to perculate through my brain, helped by a friend, that this idea is entirely ripped off from season 26 ep 2 "The Worldwide Privacy Tour." The synopsis:
After being attacked by the Canadian media, the Prince of Canada and his wife find themselves in South Park after embarking on a tour in an effort to find some privacy and seclusion.
If they actually go through with this venture will we see jail time for the participants? Well, California has some pretty harsh anti-stalking laws so I can only hope, lol. Personally, I believe it's just a cash grab but I guess we shall see. Is this "pop culture justice?" LOL
PS Is it just me, or does Andy resemble the scary Burger King?