Andy Signore got to Hollywood in the early to mid-2010's with his wife and child in tow and found a some fame on YouTube. This brought him into contact with pretty girls and his later admitted "sex addiction" started driving his behavior. He got caught and was fired when NINE women spoke up. His wife divorced him and he moved to Tampa, Fl to ponder what went wrong.
The most egregious of allegations is what really stuck in his craw. He and April *had* had an affair but he didn't believe he took it too far. She obviously disagreed. He managed to dig up communications between the two to show he had consent at one time. He used this to sue his former employers and the case was settled. I do not know if there was a criminal case but perhaps these dug up messages were used to dismiss that as well.
He claims April waged a social media campaign against him but, from what I can see, it's the other way around. Granted I was not around the situation back in 2016 - 2018, I only know what I've read since since Nov 2021 onward. However, I have done much investigation into DARVO and this seems to be a classic case of it. In simpler terms, it's "confession through projection," IMO.
Having gotten away with destroying April and quashing all other claims, he set out to restore/relive his YouTube fame. He came back claiming a "MeToo misfire" which was wildly successful. Still, it didn't rise to level of what he perceived had been maliciously taken away from him. Every so often, for the next few years, he called out both April and his former co-workers at Screen Junkies. Both slamming them and demanding apologies. It really ticked him off that they refused to comply.
Old patterns started to re-emerge. He got into fights on YouTube with those that supported him after his cancellation. With no actual employer he was free to behave however he wished. At the time, he waged multi-pronged attacks: He coerced folks to spy for him and to create videos bashing perceived enemies while also hassling them via YT live streams and other social media.
Eventually he managed to slowly extract his online persona from direct attacks, eventually settling into just calling people "crazy, clout chasing haters." He still calls out Matt Jarbo by name but others he leaves anonymous. That way it's more difficult for his viewers to see the other side, IMO.
After stumbling into the #FreeBritney movement, he started to, once again, lose control of his self-admitted sex addiction (that he may or may not have sought treatment for). Damaged pretty women were within the movement and Andy's libido took over. He didn't want people to be able to easily save or share his private messages so settled on Telegram (which is famously used by groups like terrorist organizations). It's heavy encryption and the "secret chat" option proved to be almost ideal.
I do not know if "Sunshine" was his first conquest nor if there were any others between her and Brittany. I do know that he was pestering Jade during and after his Britt obsession. I know of three other women during/after Jade, all the way up to his Vegas trip to see Johnny Depp in concert (Nov 2022). For those keeping count, we're up to 15 victims all together. I know of some others he tried with that ignored him/immediately shut him down. Allegedly.
Andy and his "fixer," Will Morris, thought they'd sufficiently isolated Brittany. Which they had for a good 9 months after I and the rest of the ladies left the community. When Britt spoke out, Jade started to find her courage. Andy panicked and sicced his PI friend, John Hubbard, on her. It took a bit of time and much reassurance but Jade is loud and proud now.
Andy's been able to keep himself more or less removed from Britt's & Jade's claims up until he decided to crowd fund an ill-conceived plan to hassle ousted Royals, Harry & Meghan and their family. This seems to be his next grift after he'd milked Johnny Depp as much as he possibly could. He's even created a whole new channel for it, Popcorned Palace. Why Stef the Alter Nerd supports such an endeavor, I have no idea. She'd been covering the couple for awhile, being from the UK herself. All I can think is that she's getting a cut of the money. Allegedly.
He'd more or less handed the Britney Spears stuff off to another co-host, It'sKim, but it looks like he took over Meghan and Harry. He doesn't follow what he finds morally right or wrong, he follows the money honey. Clicks, clout and cash are the name of the game for YouTubers like Andy, IMO. And, by default, every one of his co-hosts (and mods that have their own channels).
And it'd be fine if they do, just be up front about it. Don't try to couch it in ideals that others following these types of stories sometimes do. All during the JD v AH trial he kept saying he was "just like Johnny" with his own AH. No dude, YOU are the AH, IMO.
Anyway, this whole Harry & Meghan stuff stirred a giant group of supporters referred to as the "Sussex Squad." Suddenly new attention was given to Andy's transgressions, which really has him scrambling. To be clear, my fellow former PCP mods/members and I are not at all related to this squad. We do relish the new attention, though.
Andy & his cohorts have been trying to deal with the Brittany & Jade allegations using the same playbook Andy used back in 2018. The problem is that 1) Andy's never physically interacted with the two and 2) society has learned much during/after the #MeToo movement. Stay tuned for me exploring coercive control.
Andy can try hanging his "innocence" on one teeny tiny factoid (that really isn't) like he did 5 years ago but Brittany & Jade are not April and what worked before won't work now, IMO. And, honestly, simply pointing out the similarities between the two situations *should* be enough to make people question. Although Andy will simply block those people asking, lol.
So, that is My opinion, my conspiracy, my theory, my whatever regarding Andy Signore. Let me know what you think!