Those in the Johnny Depp support community know a few folks that have been there since 2016, when Amber Heard's accusations first came out. In the beginning, they used anonymous names, which is understandable given the climate. We now know them as Jax, Brian and Laura B. Lately there has been a division between the latter and the others. From what I can gather it's because of one person who's been with Johnny for years - his lawyer, Adam Waldman. And friction between him and the law firm that represented Johnny in his defamation trial against his former spouse in Arlington, VA, in the spring of 2022, Brown Rudnick (BR).
While much remains murky to me since I have no "insider" knowledge and have not followed this controversy since the beginning, I can hazard a few guesses. What is known to me and others is that Laura B was known for sharing court docs on X (formerly known as Twitter). Jax hosted a podcast with Laura B to walk listeners through said court docs. Brian created videos of leaked audio between JD and AH with clarifying captions, some or all with Jax's assistance.
I'm guessing that Adam Waldman was in contact with at least one of these individuals. As the first to try to bring to light what AH was doing to JD, as the world was villifying Johnny, I'm sure he welcomed allies. Once Amber named him in her countersuit, Adam could no longer represent Johnny in the trial. The situation was probably way more complicated than that, I'm just trying to settle the gist of it in my head.
I think it boils down to Jax finally becoming completely exasperated with her former co-host, Laura B. From what I've read, It seems this break was a long time coming. Laura has amassed quite the following in the last few years, some of whom have turned against Jax. I can only read one side as Laura blocked me right around the time she teamed up with Andy Signore and got him backstage to meet JD. This pretty much tells me all I need to know about the woman, lol.
I'm not secret about my utter disdain for Andy, I've been calling the man out for his abhorrant behavior for almost 2 years. Getting blocked by his stans is nothing new. Heck, Andy himself blocks those that question him, unless he thinks they are more powerful/popular than he is or he can use them in some way, IMO. But it's hard to take anybody seriously if they indiscriminately block like he does. As such, choosing sides in this particular conflict is quite easy for me.
Laura and Andy have a lot in common, especially in the gatekeeping department. Laura wanted to be the source for all court docs and other pertinant info. (Side note: I wonder what her reaction was to Andrea Burkhart's successful and easy crowdfunding to get the transcript for the VA trial?) Andy has deemed himself the king of access to a certain little pirate and his family. I hesitate to bring up the child's name in conjunction with Signore. If he had any sort of moral compass he would've stayed as far away as possible but, no, he saw an opportunity to use him and his family for the clicks, cash & clout Andy likes to call other people out for.
Speaking of someone who's aligned themselves with Signore, Colonel Kurtz couldn't help but weigh in on the Jax vs Laura B controversy. This prompted Andy to chime in, in his usually completely inappropriately way that he, of course, saw no problems with. Indeed, he claimed victimhood, which is par for his course. He invoked the name of the aforementioned little pirate that has absolutely nothing to do with this whole situation. He also decided he needed to drag up a situation that he created regarding his complete disrespect to an artist. One that had a gift she wanted to lovingly and joyfully present to it's intended recipient. But Andy just stomped all over her in the name of some weird sort of "protection."
To bring this back around, Signore publically backed Laura B. Then, predictably, backtracked after supposedly speaking with Jax. I can only assume he got some sort of backlash for his endorsement of Laura. Since she's the one that facilitated his face-to-face with JD, it's understanble that he'd side with her. But, if public sentiment is with Jax, he'll toss Laura aside like a used tissue. This is a well established MO of his. If he cannot use you anymore, you're gone. If you ask questions, you're gone. If you associate, in ANY sort of way, with someone he has beef with, you're gone. If you're lucky, he'll simply ignore you. If not, he'll have his minions will stalk and harass you using every opportunity to try and discredit you.