I don't know what most of the pre-trial hearings were about nor do I know their outcomes. I came into the Commonwealth (CW) vs Karen Read (KR) only knowing something terrible and tragic had happened and some from the night in question acted squirrely after. I had no idea just how crappy the supposed investigation actually was which is what prompted my original series of articles regarding this trial. How it ended in hung jury is a mystery as it's patently obvious that Karen did not hit Officer John O'Keefe with her car and he did not die from being hit by a car. I outlined a dozen areas that I saw rife with reasonable doubt in another previous article, doing my best to stick with what was presented at trial.
Since then, those who are stuck in "Karen is guilty" camp have dug in their heels. This stance baffles me and has since they tried to gloss over the fact that law enforcement used red Solo cups to gather and store blood evidence in. These shoddy police work apologists would have you believe that crimes that happen when it's snowy in New England in the winter just cannot be investigated properly (or maybe at all). That utterences by Karen that fateful morning, when she was hysterical and in shock after finding her boyfriend unresponsive, should seal her fate. Even though no first responder memorialized what she said in any reports.
These fine officers let Karen leave that morning then made her come back so they could "section" her. This is when people are forced into a mental health hold, supposedly for their own good. Karen decided to go on her own for an evaluation and she was released from the hospital shortly thereafter. I'll assume it's because she wasn't having a mental health crisis, she was just in shock, but what do I know. What wasn't done was Karen being arrested at the scene for what she'd said or, rather, "confessed" as the KR haters would have you believe.
They also like to point at what was said by both Karen and her lawyer, David Yanetti, in those very early days. What they fail to inform folks about is the fact that CW claimed they had Ring footage of the incident. DA Michael Morrisy and ADA Adam Lally seem to have a habit of "exaggerating" supposed "evidence." In other words, they lie like rugs and they lied about the aforementioned video. The only security cameras that seemed to be working properly were those at John O'Keefe's house.
Not a single police officer had/used body worn cameras. No interviews were recorded. Some witnesses weren't even questioned until months, even a year or more, later. Reports weren't written or weren't completed in a timely fashion. There were no evidence logs. The few (crappy) photos taken had no evidence markers and very few measurements. This was an incredibly shoddy investigation from start to finish, IMO.
Those with an inordinate hatred of Karen Read ridiculously claim they're all about "justice" for John O'Keefe as they excuse the feces ridden supposed investigation. They dismiss the ARRCA experts as not having all of the "evidence," completely denying the science backing their opinions. They cry, "you didn't even actually look at O'Keefe's body or Read's car," overlooking the fact that neither did Trooper Paul, the CW's ersatz accident reconstruction "expert" that called physics "stuff."
They excuse lead investigator Trooper Michael Proctor's extremely nasty text messages as him just venting on his personal phone, nevermind that it was to his high school buddies and his fellow investagors, including his supervisor. The former should have known NOTHING about this investigation and the latter should have reported his ass. He also talked with his sister about it, someone else who had no business knowing, opining that she should just kill herself. As disgusting as these messages are, they are the least of his transgressions. He allowed a civillian(s) to dictate who was/wasn't the guilty party/parties and conducted his "investigation" accordingly.
These haters have the nerve to call Brandi Churchwell biased even though she was very careful to remain neutral throughout her "Conspiracy in Canton" podcast. Even though it's not her job to be neutral, unlike Proctor who pinned O'Keefe's death on Read within 6 hours of beginning his so-called "investigation."
When seeking truth is called not supporting O'Keefe's family there's something terribly wrong with what is supposed to be an impartial investigation. When over half a trial is spent defending witnesses (who didn't actually witness anything according to them) rather than trying to prove the defendent guilty, something is terribly wrong. When people think red Solo cups & leaf blowers are good substitutes for proper evidence gathering, that it's okay to leave a crime scene unmarked and unattended for over 9 hours, excuse a district attorney's office for lying, things are terribly wrong.
At this rate, Officer John O'Keefe may never get justice.