I wrote a blog post on my thoughts regarding Aaron Smith Levin (ASL) and how he addressed being booted from the board of the Aftermath Foundation. I didn't like his reaction. I didn't like it at all. I knew his followers may well begin harassing those they felt wronged ASL. I just didn't realize how much it would blow up and how it continues on and on (and on, ad nauseum). That it would create a big divide within what used to be referred to as "SPTV." That grown ass adults on one side of this divide would start behaving like middle school children in "we hate so & so" clubs (although this seems par for the course in social media hate campaigns).
In the beginning ASL told people that the Aftermath Foundation did a lot of good and to basically just leave it alone. He said he would create his own non-profit organization to help those leaving Scientology and both would continue to do good. However, this idea has been completely lost. While the Aftermath Foundation quietly does it's work, the new foundation, creatively called the SPTV foundation, has decided to be bold, in your face and use bullying tactics as evidenced by a few video clips I've seen.
As I've gotten older, I've let many of my pet peeves go. As a friend of mine used to say, "they got too expensive to feed." However, I absolutely cannot tolerate bullies. And, to me, that's what ASL has become. He and his cohorts seem to believe that trying to force those have been abused by Scientology to leave (if still in) and/or hop on their hate train is somehow noble. According to one woman who left, gentle persuasion worked best to open her eyes to the fact that she was, indeed, in a cult. Now her son, who did the gentle persuading, has decided such tacticts aren't actually the best way to assist. And also decries the foundation that actually provided support for her departure, most especially one of it's board members, Mike Rinder.
ASL and his cohorts have targeted Mike like no other. Mike was the co-host of Scientology and the Aftermath with Leah Remini which is what their foundation is named after. Is ASL somehow jealous of Mike? Is that why they go after him so hard? Is that why they've now decided to also target Leah? As well as a couple of board members who seems the most active in assisting those leaving, Claire Headley and her husband Marc. I'm sure Aaron did some good while he was with the foundation but his actions since being booted out have been nothing short of reprehensible, IMO.
I'd already pretty much stopped watching ASL when this situation began as I was uncomfortable with some of his takes. As a "never in" I don't have any special insight to what goes on behind the scenes at either the old or new SPTV. I can only rely on my own instincts and reasoning and what I see is rather scary. As Swoop would say, "it's not drama, it's dangerous." Especially with recently released CCTV footage that shows Aaron throwing a woman half his size into a wall, where she then lays unresponsive as he flees the scene. ASL's flying monkies DARVO'd the crap out of that situation, labeling the poor woman as the agressor.
I wonder if Scientology has lessened (and, perhaps, ceased) it's "fair game" attacks against ASL. After all, it seems he's doing their work for them as he attacks prominent opponents of the so called "church." This is just idle speculation on my part but as a somewhat critical thinker it makes sense to me. Well done, Aaron, you've become what you purport to despise.