I have no real idea who Tim Pool is, nor do I actually care. I can see that he's got over 1M subscribers on YouTube, though, so he seems to appeal to a good many people. The irony of Andy Signore calling him out is too rich to not comment on.
Last night on Reiality's live stream fellow former mod of Andy Signore's Popcorned Planet opined that all Signore does is roll out of bed and grab a microphone before going live on his "successful" channel. The real work is done by a crew of unpaid workers dubbed as the "headlines team" during my tenure. As the discussion went on, I realized I had a few Google docs for his show on my drive. A number of which magically disappeared over night. Luckily, I'd downloaded them so I still have them.
From mid November of 2021 to mid February of 2022 I was on the headlines team for PCP. I was also a mod for PCP from mid December 2021 to mid February of 2022. I also modded for Stef the Alter Nerd and Nerd Report during that time. And, let me be crystal clear, I left of my own accord, I was not removed/banned or whatever else they try to say.
As a headlines team member we cultivated news stories for Andy to cover every week day. We put links to all of those stories into a Google doc so Andy could quicly access them during his live stream. We organized them into catagories for ease of use, we helped come up with titles for his show, we even gave him input on his thumbnails. And we did it all without compensation.
As soon as one live stream was over we were hard at work for the next day's stream. We worked tirelessly searching for new stories, updates on past stories, quirky/funny stories, feel good stories. Many mornings Andy would decide to go in an entirely different direction and we'd have to trash our current doc and scramble for new links. If nothing took his fancy the doc we worked so hard on would be abandoned as he'd decide not to stream that day.
In the beginning, I was "inspired" and "motivated" by the facade Andy put forth. I found him during the disappearance of Gabby Petito and I thought he actually cared. I eventually learned that what he really cared about was the clicks, views and cash that her story (and others) brought. I donated money for a butterfly release in her honor that never happened. Andy would get ideas that he just didn't follow through on unless forced to do so. Case in point, the Johnny Depp t-shirt fund - it took him about a year to finally donate that money but it didn't go where he promised it would.
With all of this in mind, I find his castigation of Tim Pool to be incredibly ironic. So much so that I am now writing a blog article about it. Andy you're the king of throwing stones at glass houses. You continuously engage in confession by projection. I've seen clips of you castigating your viewers, showing your true face. How others don't see you for what you are, I have no idea. It's all right there for anybody who cares to look. I'll keep pointing it out, though, until I feel I don't have to anymore.